Listening to a meditation today…..on the Energy of Attraction, I heard some wonderfully meaningful messages, not necessarily new, nor unknown. But sometimes hearing it from someone else, or in a voice that resonates, you feel the power of it in a way you never heard before. Is there a voice that settles you, that has you feel calm, grounded in your truth, at peace, in love, loved……who is this voice? Who possesses it? Why do the words that roll off their lips, or inscribe their books, vibrate in alignment with your pulsations? Do you feel safe, coddled….in its presence? Are there sights or memories that have the same effect…. The messages today were…..
And in so many words……. Frustrated desire leads to disappointment, fatigue, apathy, loss of faith in life, powerlessness, a sense of unworthiness, and so on........ Deepak speaks about how some of us feel guilty for wanting what we want, as though we don’t deserve it, should be ashamed of it, who are we to want this, who are we to think that we can get this, what makes us so special…..and…..what is so threatening? Many of us shut down quite quickly after the desire arises, be it for a mate, freedom from employment, selling everything and stepping into the unknown and new…..and for reasons that we don’t often take the time to realize. I have spoken to both men and women in my office about their desires, their dreams and wishes, and tears begin to roll down their faces as they connect to their desires. Often, they will attempt to fluff it off, diminish it into “child’s play”, or begin with a slew of reasons and justifications. This is a much more comfortable place, than it is to sit in desire. Why do we have such a hard time sitting in desire? Sitting in its passions, hunger, vulnerability, and depth? What are we afraid of? For some it is the pain of unrealized dreams, for others……the people they will let down in its pursuit, and yet for others it may be the judgment (fear of alienation and abandonment) they project into their worlds and their future. There are other reasons of course…..each of us know what they are if we sit there long enough. When these men and women trust that they will not lose control over their lives, that they are safe even if only for an hour, to open their inner screen and allow themselves to fully bear witness to their inner truths……they become familiar not only with their desires, but as well, with their conflicting intentions. And with this familiarity comes the deeper knowing of their way, their direction, their answers. Here is a quick example, You desire to find your soul mate. The desire runs deep. You visualize the connection, the closeness, the shared vulnerability as you move into an intimacy that cannot be mocked by any other couple. You fantasize the circumstances that bring you together, the revealing discussion, the feeling of his or her physical presence….. And then the screen rolls up, and the curtains close, and the lights are on. As though this were just a titillating fantasy, a temporary distraction, a moment to step away from a life filled with fears, failed expectations, and hurts that hold you prisoner, until the next time your inner truth calls to pay attention. What could be the conflicting intentions in this scenario? The intention to be free, In love (as in the place of love), in the moment, vulnerable, open, in receipt of gratitude, acknowledgement, shared joy, connection, belonging……in dispute with the intention to be in charge, in control, protection, independent, strong, safe, unsusceptible. And so we repeat, day after day, the same patterns of behaviors, nourished by the same belief systems and intentions, that have us sitting on this never ending Merry Go Round. What is there to do? As many but not all of these good men and women take on the courageous and unfamiliar journey, they unravel these intentions, one by one, and learn that “the ways of being” for one set of circumstances are not warranted for another. They learn to feel good about their vulnerability, learn to be rewarded for the same, and gain confidence in an untraditional outfit. They learn flexibility with their “beingness”, one step at a time, gaining trust and confidence in themselves and their ability to discern between “real” threat or danger and “perceived” threat and danger. They discover which risks will have them arrive at the destination of their desires. They also learn how to honor and own their individual process, their new and successful roadmap to life. What can I do to help you through your own “desires” journey? To connect your outer reality with your inner reality……where your outer world is an expression of your deepest self…..not unlike a canvass that is externally transformed from the inner expressions of an artist? I invite you to join me in a discussion of your unique journey…..if you are interested in discovering how to make this path yours. You can email me here, or schedule a call by clicking on this link: In the meantime, stay true to yourself, to your inner truth, to your deepest desires and self. Namaste,
September 2024
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